Monday, November 10, 2008

Daddy's Little Helpers

Kaylee and Allison have really enjoyed being Daddy's little helpers lately. It started after a trip to Home Depot to get some new blinds for their room. The worker who was trimming the shades went to the back and brought out these two little aprons for the girls. Ever since then, whenever Daddy was doing anything like changing the blinds, replacing all the outlet and light switch covers or making pancakes, the girls would run back to their room and come out with their aprons on ready to help.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween this year. Elizabeth and I took the girls to a neighborhood over in West Cobb. We have been checking out houses over there for awhile. It was a nice fall night, not too cold but cold enough for it to feel like fall. By the second house Kaylee had become a pro and was telling us which houses we needed to go up too and she was running around from house to house (she hadn't even had any candy yet).

Andrew stayed back here and went around our neighborhood with some of his friends.

Andrew was a UGA (University of Georgia) Fan. Kaylee was a mermaid. Allison was Cinderella and Samantha was a Kangaroo.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thats our girl!

Samantha had her 1 year appointment this morning and this child is proving that she will NOT be pushed around by her older sisters!

Our BABY is weighing in at a healthy 22lbs while standing 31 inches high!

Allison is weighing in at a 27.4 and 33.5 in tall while our oldest angel, Kaylee takes the lead (barely) weighing in at a 28.8 and towering at 36 inches!

In the meantime, Andrew is just about to pass my 5'5 122lbs by standing in at 5'2 and bulking up to a 115!

Scott is still....well....TALL!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today we are wishing a Happy Birthday to cousin Ashley and our little Samantha! We had the celebrations for Samantha's 1st Birthday Sunday. After church we went over to the playground for a little while before going home and watching her enjoy her very first McDonald's Cheeseburger...which she ate the entire thing! After cleaning up a bit it was time for gifts and cake and ice cream which she didn't like at all!

It's hard to believe that it was just one year ago that we were at the hospital.